
Five years of graduates: MIT’s Energy Studies Minor comes of age


Since its launch in fall 2009, MIT’s Energy Studies Minor has been engaging undergraduate students who want to broaden the expertise they obtain in their major with a deeper understanding of energy and associated environmental challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective that links natural science, social science, and technology. In 2014, the energy minor was the third largest of almost 50 minors offered at MIT. The class rosters below demonstrate the growth and breadth of the program since its founding. (Because MIT Commencement occurs after Energy Futures goes to press, the 2015 energy minor graduates will be listed in our next issue.)


Ethan Bates, NSE
Chris Carper, ME
Jeff Mekler, AeroAstro


Desiree Amadeo, ChemE
Riley Brandt, ME
Tim Grejtak, ME
Yoshio Perez, ME
Nicholas Sisler, ME
Juliana Velez, ME
Erik Verlage, Physics
Rasmus Wallendahl, CEE and Mgmt
Teerawut Wannaphahoon, ME and Econ
Mitchell Westwood, ME
Ashley Wong, Mgmt
Kesavan Yogeswaran, EECS
Paul Youchak, NSE


Since graduation, Ying (Lucy) Fan ’12 (Chemical Engineering) has applied her training in the energy minor to professional work in energy market analysis and renewable energy investment management. Photo: Justin Knight

Christian Welch ’13 (Mechanical and Ocean Engineering) answers questions during his team’s final presentation in 15.031J, Energy Decisions, Markets, and Policies, in fall 2012. The class fulfilled Welch’s Social Science Foundations of Energy requirement for the Energy Studies Minor. Photo: Justin Knight

Juliana Velez ’11 (Mechanical Engineering) examines part of the low-cost device for cutting scrap solar cells she helped design and build in EC.711, D-Lab: Energy for use in Nicaragua. Photo: Justin Knight

Jessica Artiles, ME
William Bender, ChemE and Econ
Matt Chapa, NSE
Brian Chmielowiec, ChemE
Zac Dearing, PoliSci and Econ
Brendan Ensor, NSE
Ying (Lucy) Fan, ChemE
Martha Gross, MSE
Latifah Hamzah, ME
Kirsten Hessler, MSE
Jeffrey Huang, ME
Russell Kooistra, PoliSci
Columbus Leonard, CEE
Jean Mario Martin, ME
Roberto Martinez, ChemE
Perry Nga, ChemE
Cat Thu Nguyen Huu, ME
Uuganbayar Otgonbaatar, NSE and Physics
Pedro Salas, Econ
Bensey Schnip, Math
Scott Sundvor, ME
Alex Vaskov, ME
Sean Vaskov, ME


Shaena Berlin, EAPS
Sara Rose Comis, ME
Jackson Crane, ME
Vivian Dien, MSE
Christopher Hammond, ME
Timothy Jenks, ME
Nityan Nair, Physics
Prosper Munaishe Nyovanie, ME
Brian Oldfield, ME
Nathan Robert, ME and Physics
Ron Rosenberg, MSE
Melissa Showers, ME
Casey Stein, DUSP
Christian Livingston Welch, MOE
Trevor Zinser, ME


Ignacio Bachiller, ME
Jacqueline Brew, ChemE
Ronald Chan, ME
Alix de Monts de Savasse, ME
Daniel Eisenberg, ChemE
Jad El Khoury, ME
Taylor Farnham, ME
Ryan Friedrich, ChemE
Brian Gager, MSE
Samantha Hagerman, ChemE
Jacqueline Han, PoliSci
Jenny Hu, Mgmt
Jacob Jurewicz, NSE and Physics
Marc Kaloustian, ChemE
Claire Kearns-McCoy, ME
Charlotte Kirk, ChemE
Johnathan Kongoletos, ME
Erica Lai, MSE
Zainab Lasisi, ChemE
Lisa Liu, EECS
Phillip Marmolejo, ME
Matthew Metlitz, ME
Jordan Mizerak, ME
Mateo Pena Doll, ME
Sidhanth Rao, ME
Jonathan Rea, ME
Manuel Romero, ME
Christiana Rosales, ME and Arch
Anthony Saad, ChemE
Dhanansai Saranadhi, ME
Samuel Shames, MSE
Katherine Spies, ME
Maria Tou, ChemE
Aleyda Trevino, Physics and Math
Akshar Wunnava, ChemE

This article appears in the issue of Energy Futures.

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