Every year, MITEI hosts the Discover
Energy Freshman Pre-Orientation Program (DE FPOP), a weeklong event where students are able to bond and explore their shared interest in energy through a series of fun, energy-related field trips and activities.
Above, students prepare for a tour of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s Wind Technology Testing Center (WTTC). Credit:
Ryan M. Sander ’20, MIT DE FPOP student Moises Trejo tests the flexibility of a wind turbine blade at the WTTC. Photo: Corey Watanabe, MITEIDE FPOP students explore cutting-edge energy technology through an interactive touch screen at the Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems. Photo: Corey Watanabe, MITEIWorking in Professor Steven Leeb’s mechanical engineering lab, DE FPOP students Ana Fiallo (left) and Emily Yuan (second from right) construct mini electric motors with assistance from counselors Jimmy Tran ’21 (second from left) and Ryan M. Sander ’20. Photo: Corey Watanabe, MITEIDE FPOP students examine an airplane jet engine before exploring the MIT Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel. Photo: Corey Watanabe, MITEI
This article appears in the Autumn 2018 issue of Energy Futures.